Each month we explore pop culture (we kind of have to, it's in our title), 80's and 90's nostalgia, movie and TV trends, old school toys & games, tropes, urban myths, and more. Commentary, criticisms, and opinions abound. Stick around, you might just be entertained.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Random Brief Ramblings - Power Rangers, Rambo Cartoons, THE ABC's OF DEATH, a plea to SHOUT FACTORY, and Other Hooplah

I've had a hard time recently coming up with anything I felt deserved an entire post.....just a lot of little random thoughts.  Finally I realized that if I collected these random thoughts together I might have enough to keep you entertained for a few seconds.  So, without further ado.....

Who actually thought Rambo would make a good Saturday morning cartoon?
"We have a great idea....let's turn that movie about the Vietnam Vet with PTSD into a cartoon!"
"The Deer Hunter?"
"No...Rambo! But The Deer Hunter might work for an after school series..."
Seriously.....it makes as much sense as making WATCHMEN or THE TOXIC AVENGER into a cartoon......Oh, wait....

THE ABC'S OF DEATH is not as bad as you have heard.  Out of 26 shorts, I would say that roughly half of the are quite good, a quarter are "okay," and the rest "suck."  That's in line with just about every anthology movie that has ever been made.

How did MIGHTY MORPHIN' POWER RANGERS last so long?  When I was a kid it was merely a show I had to endure so I could get to BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES.

The moment that a NINJA TURTLE gave a villain a "wet willie," it was game over for me and the TURTLES.

BOGLINS were so friggin' cool.

Finally, can someone please put out a decent Blu Ray of CREEPSHOW?  I'm looking at you, SHOUT FACTORY.....

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