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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why do I know all the words to The Nanny's themesong....but I can't remember algebra?

Image source: Fanpop.com
It bugs me sometimes how much crap is floating round in my head.  I'm a relatively smart guy, I've got an MBA (not bragging), and I think I am pretty good at learning new skills and retaining that new info.  There are, however, some pretty glaring holes in my memories of Algebra, World History, Geography, and other subjects I learned about in college.

What is in the place of this important info that is required to be a functioning member of society?  A lot of useless trivia that will probably never help me in any way shape or form.  The following is a short list of various bits of inane trivia clogging up my brain pipes (in no particular order):


The names of most of the supporting cast of THE SIMPSONS (including last names where applicable).

Image source: Filmophelia.com
The chronology of events in all seven SAW films.

The words to the theme song for THE NANNY (including vocalizing the horns).

The differences between the "original" and the "special edition" STAR WARS releases.

The entire chronology of events in all ten FRIDAY THE 13TH films.

The words to most songs that were on THE SIMPSONS in Seasons 1-10 (including BABY ON BOARD).

Image source: annex.wikia.com
I realize that I might get lucky one day and answer a million dollar trivia question about what Cary Elwes was doing in SAW 7.....but it is more likely that I'll be asked to point out Paraguay on a map.  And, unfortunately that particular synapse contains the various setups and payoffs in BACK TO THE FUTURE 1-3.

Oh well.

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